Friday, January 31, 2020

A 30-year History of My Mountain Bikes

My mountain bike is thirty years old this year. Or maybe it is 28, I'll have to look that up and update this later. It is a 21-inch Giant Iguana, a little on the tall side for me, but that is what they had in stock thirty years ago at South Bay Bicycles in Torrance, CA (on Sepulveda Blvd), near where I grew up. It was the first--and last--bicycle I bought for myself.

My parents had bought me bikes before--a new bike was always an exciting birthday or Christmas present. I had been riding my brown curved-handlebar ten-speed the three-and-a-half miles to high school every day, often followed by another mile-and-a-half ride to the beach after school, when my parents bought me my first mountain bike. It was a light blue low-end mountain bike with slightly curved handlebars. All the "real" mountain bikes had straight handlebars, but it was better than a ten-speed for dirt riding.