Saturday, March 17, 2018

3. Central Coast Canyon

#WithoutTheRoar Quiz: Where in California am I?

You walk up a dirt road, entering the bottom of a canyon next to a sycamore-lined creek. You see a classic mix of Central California vegetation: yucca, northern monkeyflower, coastal sagebrush, deerweed, coyotebush, poison oak, bay, coast live oak. There are a few non-natives, notably eucalyptus trees on the hillside to the south. The former sheep pastures at the entrance of the canyon are now covered in relatively new housing and parking lots. Once you are through the narrows, the canyon opens up into grassy hills beyond a ranch house. Horses graze among unique dilapidated structures.

Where is this? Guess at #WithoutTheRoar.

Click here for Quiz 2.