Saturday, June 25, 2011

Rising Air

This is the wettest place I've ever lived--over 44 inches of rainfall per year on average. Even a year with only half of average rainfall here would be wetter than the average rainfall of any place I've ever lived. This is the farthest west that I've ever lived and the farthest north I've ever lived in this hemisphere.

On the isohyetal map of West Marin in the "Natural History of the Point Reyes Peninsula" by Jules G. Evens, it shows 50+ inches of rainfall in the Kent Reservoir watershed. It really increases dramatically from Pt. Reyes, with only about 12 inches of rain a year at the lighthouse. I've moved from a rain shadow, where a reversed-but-similar-magnitude gradient exists east of the Sierra crest (close to 40 inches near the crest to 12 inches near Lee Vining), to an orographic hotspot. I'm now living on the wetter end of that gradient.

Peter was telling me about how the wettest area in Marin County is